The latest version of the Tulsa Police Department's policy manual
Request records from the Tulsa Police Department
The Tulsa Police Department launched a survey to measure trust and sentiment on a variety of public safety issues.
A map showing locations of recent Tulsa homicide investigations​
The RTIC is a cutting-edge command center meant to maximize City of Tulsa resources to reinforce public safety​​
Share your experience regarding a Tulsa Police employee
Tell us about a positive experience you had with a Tulsa police officer
The Tulsa Police Communications Unit and Internal Affairs office release yearly reports on the status of the department and its policies​

Public Notice
Edward Byrne Memorial,
2023 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program
The City of Tulsa, as the selected fiscal agent, intends to submit an application for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program in the amount of $454,925.
The disparate jurisdictions of the City of Tulsa and Tulsa County will use their JAG funds to support the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office and the Tulsa Police Department with personnel and equipment enhancements. The Tulsa Police Department will be using the funds for Advanced Investigator Certification, a Laptop Computer with Crime Scene Software, a Gas Mask fit testing device, Cybercrimes Unit Computers, a Bomb Squad X Ray Processing Kit, Stop Sticks, a Vehicle Event Data Recorder, Special Response Team (SRT) Pepper Ball Program, SRT Non-Lethal and Less Lethal Munitions, Internal Affairs Interview Rooms Recording Equipment, and Police Building Security Cameras. The Tulsa County Sherriff’s Office will use the funds to purchase a Smartboard, Printer, Camera, and Security equipment. These projects will increase officer safety and allow the officers to serve the public more efficiently.
To comply with grant requirements, the Tulsa Police Department is posting notification of the application for a
period of 30 days. A copy of the grant application will be available at the City of Tulsa-City Clerk’s Office
(175 E. 2nd Street).
All comments should be directed in writing to the attention of Sergeant Art Surratt, Tulsa Police Department 600 Civic Center, Tulsa OK 74103 or e-mail to asurratt@cityoftulsa.org.