If you find property you should call the police and report it. The officer should give you the option of retaining the property or relinquishing all claims on the property. You will have to sign a form to indicate your choice. If you choose to retain the property you agree to:
Retain possession for six (6) months and release to the actual owner if located.
Agree that the Tulsa Police Department will provide your name, address, and phone number to any citizen identifying the property.
The form cannot be filled out online at this time. You must have an officer come to your location and register the property or take possession of the property, depending on the choice you make.
Oklahoma Statute Title 11 Section 34-104G requires officers to give the finder of found property the option of retaining or relinquishing any future claim to the property by surrendering it to the police.
If the property can be identified as evidence of a particular crime it must be kept by the police.
Citizens may not keep contraband or an item that would be illegal for them to possess.