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A photo of a Tulsa police officer saluting.



With a goal of upholding public trust in the Tulsa Police Department and ensuring continued confidence in our organization, the Internal Affairs Unit performs many key functions including:


  • Investigates allegations of misconduct and/or violations of policies and procedures of involved police personnel, as directed by the Chief of Police.

  • Responds to, and administratively investigates Officer-involved shooting incidents.

  • Assists City Legal with police-related Tort claims.

  • Facilitates the random drug testing program.

  • Processes of subpoenas for court overtime.

  • Performs audits and inspections and provides needed proofs required to maintain the Tulsa Police Department's national accreditation status with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA).

  • It is also the unit's responsibility to help safeguard employee rights during investigations.

Image of downtown Tulsa by Drew Harbour
A Tulsa Police patrol vehicle parked outside Tulsa City Hall.

IA’s primary function of handling citizen complaints is accomplished by performing thorough, unbiased investigations, which are forwarded upon completion to the employee's chain of command for review and recommendations.


Although Internal Affairs personnel remain available for clarification during the review process, it is up to the employee's chain of command, and ultimately the Chief of Police, to determine final adjudication of the alleged misconduct.

The Internal Affairs Unit consists of 5 Lieutenants, 1 Sergeant and the IA Commander, who reports directly to the Chief of Police.


All complaints receive a preliminary investigation to determine facts, allegations, establish involved parties, and identify potential policy violations not listed in the initial complaint.


Once received, complaints are reviewed to determine appropriate assignment. Depending on the nature of the allegation, a complaint may be assigned to an employee's supervisor or an Internal Affairs investigator. At the conclusion of the investigation, the findings are reviewed by the employee's chain of command to determine a recommendation.


Finally, the Chief of Police reviews all allegations, findings, and recommendations, and makes a final determination on the disposition and, if applicable, resulting discipline. Unless filed anonymously, the citizen is then notified by the Chief's Office of the outcome of the investigation.

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