Contacto: (918) 596-1100

Matthew Arnold
Captain - Admin
8 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Jeremy Noland
1st Shift: 8 p.m.-4 a.m.

Karen Tipler
2nd Shift: 6:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Charlie Hardaway
3rd Shift: 2 p.m.-10 p.m.

Joshua Showman
4th Shift: 3 p.m.-11 p.m.

Desarrollado por primera vez en 2017, el programa de la Junta Asesora de la Comunidad tiene como objetivo promover la misión del Departamento de Policía de Tulsa de trabajar en asociación con nuestra comunidad para brindar un servicio de calidad, proteger la vida y la propiedad, prevenir el crimen y resolver problemas para que las personas puedan vivir sin miedo en un ambiente seguro. .
La Junta Asesora Comunitaria es un grupo voluntario de ciudadanos, dirigido por comandantes de división de patrulla y que representan diversos intereses, que viven o realizan negocios dentro de esa división de patrulla y se reúnen para brindar información y conocimientos mutuos para ayudar a guiar una vigilancia policial colaborativa efectiva._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Cada división de patrulla, incluidas Gilcrease, Mingo Valley y Riverside, alberga un tablero. Cada mesa está integrada por cinco a diez ciudadanos que son seleccionados en coordinación con la Red de Prevención del Delito y aprobados por el Jefe de Policía.

William Lloyd
William Loyd is a lifelong Tulsan and Farmers Insurance Agency Owner with an office near 91st & Yale. He and his wife, Tina Peña, have lived most of their married life in and around Brookside, and find the Riverside area a constant source of recreation and enjoyment. Travel is an important hobby for William, but so is enjoying all that Tulsa has to offer. As a TU alumni, William volunteers with Mita's Foundation, Reading Partners, and Food on the Move.

Sharon King Davis
I am so proud to be a 4th generation Tulsan that was taught our family value….helping people, especially those that are less fortunate than you and make the world a better place. Attended Tulsa Public Schools and had such great leadership training when my classmates and I opened Nimitz Jr. High and Memorial High School and we named the teams, chose our colors/songs, started the school clubs and generally were a big part of the school. I graduated from Colorado Womans College, Denver and returned to Tulsa. I was blessed to be married to Coleman Davis for 38 years years before his death and we raised 3 beautiful daughters and 2 “perfect” grandbabes. It has been an Honor to Chair and lead the efforts for Tulsa’s year long Centennial Celebration plus be asked by the Governor to Chair Oklahoma’s Kickoff CENTENNIAL Celebration here in Tulsa, during which I led the efforts for the unearthing of the 1957 Time Capsule containing “Ms Belvedere”, the Plymouth Belvedere. I have loved serving on numerous Tulsa non-profit Boards, as well as City and State Boards, Authorities and Commissions over the past 40 yrs. One of my favorites, is The Little Lighthouse. At LLH miracles happen daily with special needs children and the facility is completely tuition free! Currently serving TCC Foundation Board, Arts Alliance Tulsa Board, The Tulsa Historical Society Board, City of Tulsa Election Commission and the River Parks Authority. It has been my civic honor to serve the City of Tulsa by leading 3 voter initiatives that were successful. My greatest joy was teaching my preschool Sunday School class for 38 years before retiring. . I am blessed daily by 3 smart and savvy women in our family Commercial Real Estate Business Kelley, Kalen and Kasey who just happen to be my daughters! As a developer, I have built 3 shopping centers with other holdings. We are raising the grandbabes, to be the 6thgeneration Tulsans with the same family philosophy to make Tulsa a better place for all!

Aziz Mayahi
Aziz Mayahi is a first-generation American of Iranian descent. Him and his wife, Amanda, have three boys (including 5-year-old twins!). Aziz is a Tulsa native and graduated from Memorial High School in 1995. He went on to graduate from the University of Oklahoma in 2001 with a degree in Letters. Aziz says his first career was in the restaurant business where he eventually became a proprietor of Mohagany. His current career includes working in sales at SummitESP, a Halliburton service that manufactures pumps for the oil and gas industry. In his spare time, Aziz officiates high school football, coaches a youth soccer team, likes to cook, and spend time with his family. Aziz represents the Riverside Division in his work with the Community Advisory Board. Aziz says he wanted to get involved to try and understand law enforcement from a different perspective. He says, “Hopefully, with a broadened sense of what policing is, I can help advise on better policies and practices.”

George Bashaw
George was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has lived brief stents in a few large cities, but he chose Tulsa as home. George is a graduate of DePauw University. George is married, and a father of four. He is also the owner of Allied Towing. George represents the Riverside Division in his work with the Community Advisory Board. George is grateful for the sacrifices that police officers make for his and the community’s benefit. Specifically, he is proud our department which has shined during some of the most challenging times in modern history. George says “There is no better time than the present to understand, help, and appreciate what TPD is facing and doing. CAB gives the community a platform to understand, help, and support the Tulsa Police Department. It gives the community a voice.”