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Cuatro tiros, un muerto en tiroteo en el centro de Tulsa
Tulsa police officers are looking for a suspected shooter accused of shooting four people in midtown on Wednesday night.
15 jun 2023

Adolescentes arrestados en conexión con tiroteo mortal en Tulsa
Two teenagers turned themselves in on Wednesday in connection with a deadly shooting.
8 jun 2023

Infracción de estacionamiento, dÃas de amnistÃa por infracción de tránsito en Tulsa
Anyone with unpaid parking tickets or moving violation tickets can clear up their fines without late fees and warrant fees during the City o
2 jun 2023

Conductor arrestado después de atropello y fuga en Tulsa
A driver is in custody Tuesday after a series of hit-and-run incidents in Tulsa.
31 may 2023

Se acerca el evento de reclutamiento del DÃa de la Mujer en la PolicÃa
The Tulsa Police Training Division is hosting a recruiting event coming up in celebration of Women in Policing Day.
23 may 2023

Dos policÃas de Tulsa finalizan triatlón Ironman
Two Tulsa police officers are among those celebrating after finishing the Ironman triathlon over the weekend.
23 may 2023

Oficial de Tulsa ayuda a inaugurar los Juegos OlÃmpicos Especiales de Verano de Oklahoma 2023
Tulsa Police Officer Josh Metcalf held the torch at the opening ceremony for the 2023 Special Olympics Oklahoma Summer Games on Wednesday.
18 may 2023

Un arrestado después de un tiroteo mortal en un complejo de apartamentos de Tulsa
A man is in custody after Tulsa police officers responded to a deadly shooting on Sunday.
16 may 2023

Dos arrestados después de un tiroteo mortal en un complejo de apartamentos de Tulsa
Two men are in custody Thursday in connection with a deadly shooting at a Tulsa apartment complex last week.
11 may 2023

Oficiales de policÃa de Tulsa desplegados con la Guardia Nacional
A continuación se muestran algunas fotos de seis PolicÃa de Tulsa Oficiales actualmente desplegados con la Guardia Nacional del Ejército...
10 may 2023

Oficiales de Tulsa se unen al desfile de modas de Sobrevivientes de Cáncer de Mama
Four Tulsa police officers participated in Saturday's Breast Cancer Survivor and First Responder Fashion Show at Woodland Hills Mall.
10 may 2023

El servicio conmemorativo de la policÃa de Tulsa honra a los 41 oficiales caÃdos
Friends, family, community members and officers gathered at the Tulsa Police Training Division on Friday night for a candlelight vigil.
8 may 2023

Hijo admite haber estrangulado a madre, arrestado por homicidio
A man is in custody after admitting to strangling his mother to death on Thursday afternoon.
28 abr 2023

Unidad TPD premiada por labor contra trata de personas
The Cherokee Nation awarded the Tulsa Police Human Trafficking and Vice Unit last week with the Cherokee Nation Marshal's Award.
27 abr 2023

TPD K9 Corps alberga los ensayos de la USPCA de la Región 11
The Tulsa Police Department K9 Corps hosted the Region 11 USPCA Trials April 20-22, bringing together more than 20 handler/dog teams from al
25 abr 2023

Hombre bajo custodia tras tiroteos en biblioteca de Tulsa y Quiktrip
Un hombre está en el hospital después de que supuestamente disparó y mató a una persona en dos lugares diferentes el martes. Los...
24 abr 2023

Delincuente buscado arrestado en presunto 'chop shop' de Tulsa
Tulsa police arrested a man Wednesday they found to be operating a chop shop near 4th and Sheridan.
11 abr 2023
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